Kharkiv. Net Meet-Up
20 сентября 2018 года, с 19:00 до 21:30
Friends, we’re happy to invite you to plunge into .NET universe with us :)
Meet up theme: “Divide and Rule”. How a large application can be split into smaller, simpler parts which can be analyzed and optimized separately. Give a second life to your legacy application.
We’ll be waiting for you on September, 20!
Location: Blagovishenska 1, Fabrika.space, Kharkiv, 0 floor
Registration: http://bit.ly/2w6RJBd
19:00-19:15 registration and coffee
19:15-20:00 Pavlo Tsybulivskyi, Senior Software Engineer, SoftServe.
Topic: «DDD and EF Core2.1».
Popularity of Domain Driven Design is growing and it's important to understand how do it right. What is DDD, it's benefits and when you shouldn't use it. What is common between DDD and microservices. How to find a compromise between puristic domain model and ORM limitations, tips and tricks when implementing DDD with Entity Framework Core 2.1.
20:00-20:15 coffee break
20:15 – 21:00 Iurii Shestora, Senior Software Engineer, SoftServe.
Topic: «Performance analysis. Tracing. Profiling»
What is profiling and tracing, why should we measure performance, which components choose for analysis, how to use the result and automate the process. When common sense can bring more value than two DBAs and thirty-instance pool of microservices. Where else can we apply the effect of profiling and tracing (DDD)?
Ticket price:
till 19.09.2018- ₴ 149
till 20.09.2018 - ₴ 199
You can’t miss it, get your ticket!!